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- I assume that you read this file first before installing.
- My new email-address is: michael@mutschler.de
- ID3V2-notes:
- 1. only a few tags are yet implemented
- 2. unsynchronization not supported yet, and probably will never be.
- 3. The short form of the TCON-Frame is not supported, neither is the writing
- of the char "(".
- 4. Actions are untested. Assume they aren't working.
- 5. The follwowing frames are fully implemented:
- The rest is just taken as it is. So no unknown frame will be deleted.
- 6. For padding, every new ID3v2 tag will get an additional 512 bytes.
- 7. I am writing an ID3v2.3 & ID3v1 tag by default.
- What has changed since Version 2.3b6?
- - ID3V2.3 support
- - no string limitations anymore
- - new Analyzer
- - config of the actions has changed
- - icon handler
- New Themes: just create a file in the Themes directory woth the extension .mp3theme.
- The format of a theme-file is quite easy, just take the norman.mp3theme as an example.
- ************* begin V3.3 changes **********************************
- The version change happens, becaus bws, just sent me some bugfixes,
- and I didn't wanted to get confused with his private versioning.
- New since Version 3.3.17: Default values:
- It is now possible to set default values for the various (string) frames,
- after a scan is performed. Therefore, if the fields to set are not empty
- they will get a default value. There is no GUI for this feature, and you
- have to configure this in the registry on your own:
- Start Regedit and browse to the key
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MM\MP3ext\Templates
- Then add a Stringvalue named "DefaultFrames". It consists of a comma
- seperated list of the 4-char ID3v2 Tag identifiers, which you want to
- set values for. e.g. to set the comment and the encoder you would add
- set the value to "COMM,TENC". The order is irrelevant.
- The next step is to set the value. Therefore add a value for each Tag
- with the name "default<TAGNAME>", and its content is the actual string
- that will be set. e.g. "defaultCOMM" with a content of
- "default Comment from the registry". Do the same for the TENC-tag.
- Now your finished with the configuration. Now the Encoder and Comment
- fields will be set after the filename has been scanned.
- ************* end V3.3 changes **********************************
- ************* begin V3.2 changes **********************************
- There are several new things in version 3.2:
- 1. full unicode support
- I actually changed the internal code, and it now completely in unicode.
- The only drawback of this is, it doesn't work on Win95/Win98 anymore, since
- the used wide-calls of the GUI are only stubs under Win98....
- So there are now two versions, of the DLL: an ANSI-version, and an UNICODE
- version. You see which one you have in the info field on the main property
- page.
- The difference of the two version is, that you cannot enter any unicode
- in the ansi version. Although reading of unicode-fields of the ID3v2-Tag
- is possible in the ansi version too.
- 2. Image-support.
- Now you can finally add your favourite pictures to MP3s. You can add a picture
- for a specific type, when you click on the checkmark. Then you will get
- a requesterm where you can select a file to load.
- Note: MP3ext does *not* perform any checks of the validity of the file you
- load. The mime-type is taken from the extension of the file. You can,
- e.g. load a text-file, e.g. pic.txt, which would be loaded, and set to
- a mime-type of "image/txt"...
- Clicking again on the checkmark, will remove the picture from the tag.
- The action-buttons (view, save) work on the image seleted with the radio
- buttons.
- A note to the view-button. Since I don't want to compile support for all the
- different picture-types, The following procedure is done:
- The file ist saved Temporarily to a file with the endling of the mime-type.
- e.g. if the mime-type is "image/jpeg" then the created file is mp3extpicture.jpeg.
- Then ShellExecute("open") is called on the created file, thus calling your
- installed viewer for this filetype.
- 3. Lyrics support.
- Well not much to say about this; this is a field like any other else....
- ************* end V3.2 changes **********************************
- The new display since V3.1b4:
- I changed the display of the MP3-info a bit, so it always displays the
- information of the currently shon MP3. I think there is not much to say
- about it. The only new change is: the average time is gone, or does anybody
- really need it? Therefore you have a size-field: It displays the filesize of the
- currently displayed MP3. Additionally, if there is a TSIZ-frame in the
- MP3, then it shows, how many bytes are missing!!!!!
- TSIZ-support:
- When a new ID3v2-Tag is saved, then there is always a TSIZ-frame saved.
- This frames stores the length of the MP3-file without the ID3v2 header.
- If this frame exists, then the stored one will be used. It is never
- changed! Now, what is it for? Some people asked me to add a feature
- to recognize incomplete MP3 files. So here you are.
- In the new Size-field of the MP3-page, you see when the TSIZ-info doesn't
- match the actual size. a negative number means, there is data missing;
- a positive value means, there is too much data. Although the latter case
- shouldn't happen.
- To use this in the Tooltips, I created a new action-element called
- $(diffwarn). This tag creates a warning text, if the diffsize is 0.
- Additionally there is the new keyword $(diffsize), which is the
- difference as shown in the Size-field.
- Note: If you see a Size-Tag in the framelisting, (e.g. the tooltips), then
- the size displayed there is not the actual size of the file, but the size
- of the MP3-data!
- Few notes to the icon handler:
- - The Icon will be stored inside the MP3-file, as a "APIC"-frame, Type 0x02,
- and mime-type "image/ico".
- - if the handler doesn't find an icon in the file, some internal icons are shown:
- 1. if the bitrate of the MP3 is <96k then a red MP3-icon is displayed
- 2. if the bitrate of the MP3 is 96k/112k/128k, a corresponding icon is displayed
- 3. if the bitrate of the MP3 is >128k then a blue MP3-icon is displayed
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Icon designer needed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- If anybody likes to draw some nice icons, instead of mine
- (I admit, I am no good graphic artist), please feel free to
- send me them (mutschler@aeon-shopping.de). I will add the
- nicest ones in the next version. Oh, you can make icons for
- other bitrates too.
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Icon designer needed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- How does the new analyzer work?
- Go to the config-page and select the Templates-Tab. There you
- can configure the filename-analyzer. Now you can specify your own
- templates based on regular expressions. The analyzer tries all the templates
- on the filename (incl. path), and if it matches, it applies the substrings
- to the according fields in the ID3-Tag, if they are empty.
- If more than one template matches, then this procedure is done more than
- once. So put the more complex templates at the top, and the general templates
- at the bottom of the list.
- The template:
- They are simple regular expressions. If you want to match a specific field,
- e.g. the track, then you must put the 3-char id3v2-identifier followed by a ':'
- in the first part of a subexpression: (TRCK:[0-9]*). This would be converted
- to the subexpression ([0-9]*), and if it matches, the part that matched
- will be written to the track. For more information about Regular expressions
- see the documentation to the rx.lib I am using, or in more detail check out
- various documenation on UNIX-regex, or PERL-documentation.
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- !!! In order to be platform-independent with the filename,
- !!! all backslashes are converted to normal slashes.
- !!! i.e. c:\temp\xx.mp3 -> c:/temp/xx.mp3
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Note: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- The following fields are currently recognized:
- TIT2: Title
- TIT3: Opus
- TPE1: Artist
- TPE2: Conductor
- TPE3: Orchestra
- TCOM: Composer
- TCON: Genre
- TALB: Album
- TRCK: Track
- TYER: Year
- COMM: Comment
- Now some examples:
- 1. Match the filename as the title.
- The title is TIT2. Since we need a subexpression,
- lets start with a simple "(TIT2:.*)". This wint work, since we must match the
- complete filename and path. So extend it to ".*/(TIT2:.*)\.mp3".
- 2. match the following: "path\artist-title.mp3"
- Let us continue on the previous expression, and extend it with the artist:
- ".*/(TPE1:.*)-(TIT2:.*)\.mp3"
- 3. try and match the track:
- A track consists of only numbers, so match any number of numbers:
- ".*(TRCK:[0-9]*).*mp3"
- Since a track is handled as a string this would result in numbers of "01".
- And to better match the track, limit the length to 2 numbers. First do the second
- problem: ".*(TRCK:[0-9][0-9]).*mp3"
- In order to remove the leading zero, you have to do 2 templates. the first one
- takes care of the zero, and the second matches the other 2-digit numbers:
- 1. ".*0(TRCK:[0-9]).*mp3"
- 2. ".*(TRCK:[1-9][0-9]).*mp3"
- You can put these two in one regex:
- ".*(0(TRCK:[0-9])|(TRCK:[1-9][0-9])).*mp3"
- and if you want to match single numbers too, just make the leading zero of
- template 1 optional:
- ".*(0?(TRCK:[0-9])|(TRCK:[1-9][0-9])).*mp3"
- For a description of the regular expressions, see the file rx.info, taken from
- the rx-lib I am using.